Dad and I arrived at the hospital around 8:45am. A little later today. We are physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. When we walked in the room Mom said she was just about to go to sleep. She mumbled while saying "I just kicked the doctor out. They had just brought me breakfast and he came in to talk but I was having a coughing fit while trying to eat so I told him to leave". I could tell she was tired. I told her to take a nap while I sit and update my blog. So here I sit quietly listening to my mother breath while she sleeps. The machine keeps beeping because her oxygen level keeps dropping under 90. I have noticed it seems to drop more while she sleeps. This morning when I woke up I prayed specifically that the inflammation in her lungs would go down, she would be able to keep her oxygen levels up and be able to breath on her own. At this point we have to sit and wait for the steroids and the immunosuppressant drugs to take effect and help bring the inflammation in her lungs down.
The physical therapist came in to work with her. First the respiratory therapist had to increase her oxygen because any movement such as just sitting up is so exhausting that it lowers her oxygen. The physical therapist started with simple things. She had her move her feet, point her toes, move her arms, resist the pressure being pushed against her arms. Then she had to sit up, straighten her legs, stand up and take a few steps. By this point she had to get back in bed because her oxygen levels were dropping.
She got a little bit of rest in between all the in and out of doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, CNA's, social workers, case workers, nutritionists and cleaners. Not to mention all the blood work, finger pricks, insulin shots, IV injections, vital checks, oxygen checks and X-rays. She was able to take a little nap this morning. This time while she was sleeping I had a scare. Dad left to get a drink so I was here alone with her. Her oxygen level was bouncing between 84 and 88. The machine kept beeping but no one came in to check on her. Then it dropped to 83 and the machine started beeping faster. I was watching it to see if it would go back up but it didn't. My stomach dropped and I flew out of my chair so I could wake her and have her take some deep breaths. Just as I was about to wake her it started going back up. Shortly after, a CNA came in to prick her finger to test her blood sugar. I told him what was going on. He got a respiratory therapist to come in. They increased the oxygen flow from 70 to 90. I am seriously terrified that she is going to stop breathing while she is asleep.
She requested to have a priesthood blessing. I was surprised. It makes me feel like she must have a little bit of faith left in her. The bishop stopped by to see her so he gave her a blessing while he was here. Even if she doesn't have any faith I think I have enough for the both of us.
Tonight while driving home I asked dad the question that we both hate being asked.
"How are you dad?" He replied by saying he is worn down.
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